What is Eliminating Barriers to Justice?
The Eliminating Barriers to Justice (EBJ) conference series – the first of its kind in Georgia – was created in 2013 by Jana J. Edmondson-Cooper and Georgia attorneys Lisa Krisher and A. Bernadette Olmos. EBJ is a comprehensive access to justice/language access-centered training for lawyers, judges, court personnel, interpreters, and other access to justice stakeholders. Having celebrated its fifth year in 2018 with Eliminating Barriers to Justice V: Accessing Sustainable Access to Justice for Persons with Disabilities and Limited English Proficient Persons through Modern Technology & Professionalism, EBJ examines access, equity, and justice from multiple perspectives such as poverty, criminal justice, cultural competency, technology, physical and cognitive disabilities, and so much more. EBJ also includes an annual emphasis on language access and access to justice through ethics/professional responsibility and professionalism lenses. Click below for details about past conferences. Be on the look out for updates regarding EBJ VI!